Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Little Red Book: Path to Modern China

 Little Red Book:

 Path to Modern China

        During the Cultural Revolution, what more could be wanted then a book full of inspiring quotes. Not just any quotes, but the quotes of a master, known as Mao Zedong.

         It was the year of 1964 when Chairman Mao decided to write another of his many informative novels, but this one was different then all the others. This novel was one with the sayings to move China to the future. A book with parts of Mao’s speeches and inspirational quotes. A book that would help widen the teaches of communism.Without this book, China could of possibly been still stuck in the past and/or Chairman Mao wouldn’t of been able to have such a big impact on the lives of others.

         The Little Red Book didn't only affect the teachings in China, but it also affected the daily life on civilians. Kids who attended schools, were forced to bring this book with them everyday in order to show the respect to Mao and this book was meant to be guarded with your life.Quotes were recited almost everywhere you went and came in smaller sizes with only the most important sayings.Lives changed because of the growth of the communists and Mao gained more power. Without this invention, Mao would of taken much longer to get his word around and his quotes wouldn’t have been able to judge the actions of his people.Life would of been harder without his novel during the Cultural Revolution.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kareeeem. Good job! you might want to change the color of your last post... Black on black doesn't really show up.

    ♥Sofia F
